#!/bin/bash if ( ! which mcfly &> /dev/null ); then return; fi # Avoid loading this file more than once if [[ "$__MCFLY_LOADED" == "loaded" ]]; then return 0 fi __MCFLY_LOADED="loaded" export MCFLY_SESSION_ID=$(cat /dev/urandom | env LC_ALL=C tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 24 | head -n 1) export MCFLY_HISTORY=$(mktemp -t mcfly.XXXX) export HISTFILE="${HISTFILE:-$HOME/.bash_history}" if [[ -f "$HISTFILE" ]]; then tail -n100 "${HISTFILE}" >| ${MCFLY_HISTORY} else printf "Welcome to McFly\n" >| ${MCFLY_HISTORY} fi # Ignore commands with a leading space #export HISTCONTROL="ignorespace" # Append new history items to .bash_history shopt -s histappend # Setup a function to be used by $PROMPT_COMMAND. function mcfly_prompt_command { local exit_code=$? # Record exit status of previous command. history -a ${MCFLY_HISTORY} # Append history to $MCFLY_HISTORY. # Run mcfly with the saved code. It will: # * append commands to $HISTFILE, (~/.bash_history by default) # for backwards compatibility and to load in new terminal sessions; # * find the text of the last command in $MCFLY_HISTORY and save it to the database. mcfly add --exit ${exit_code} --append-to-histfile # Clear the in-memory history and reload it from $MCFLY_HISTORY # (to remove instances of '#mcfly: ' from the local session history). history -cr ${MCFLY_HISTORY} return ${exit_code} # Restore the original exit code by returning it. } # Set $PROMPT_COMMAND run mcfly_prompt_command and then any existing $PROMPT_COMMAND. PROMPT_COMMAND="mcfly_prompt_command;$PROMPT_COMMAND" # If this is an interactive shell, take ownership of ctrl-r. # The logic here is: # 1. Jump to the beginning of the edit buffer, add 'mcfly: ', and comment out the current line. We comment out the line # to ensure that all possible special characters, including backticks, are ignored. This commented out line will # end up as the most recent entry in the $MCFLY_HISTORY file. # 2. Type "mcfly search" and then run the command. McFly will pull the last line from the $MCFLY_HISTORY file, # which should be the commented-out search from step #1. It will then remove that line from the history file and # render the search UI pre-filled with it. if [[ $- =~ .*i.* ]]; then if set -o | grep "vi " | grep -q on; then bind "'\C-r': '\e0i#mcfly: \e\C-j mcfly search\C-j'" else bind "'\C-r': '\C-amcfly: \e# mcfly search\C-j'" fi fi